Monday, November 7, 2016

*Disclaimer, I am no political expert, I have no Ph.D., and I am just as much a sinner as any other human being on this planet. This is just something I have felt like writing for a while now. This is nothing more than a cry to better understand what is going on in the country I live in, and also to better understand the hearts of the people that I live in this country with.*

“A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Now I understand. Before, I only understood this election to the extent of: don't vote for Hillary, don't vote for Trump, don't you dare vote third party (if you do then your vote is trash), you better vote or you are not allowed to say anything if something doesn't go your way, and it goes on and on and on and on... This will be my first time voting and I honestly didn't know it was supposed to be this exhausting on your mental state. I want my love ones to know that I am disappointed, I'm disappointed in the way people are pushing their own agenda while pushing aside their values. I'm disappointed because so many have forgotten the greatest commandment, which is to love. Yes, that means Hillary, and Yes, that means Trump! Wake up, while your'e so busy making sure whoever isn't in office, your morality is surely beginning to fade away.

"I am giving you a new commandment, love one another as I have loved you. Everyone will know you are my disciples because of your love for one another." ~John 13:34 (Brothers and Sisters please don't become so focused on the things on earth that you forget the things from above.)

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